Thursday, June 4, 2009


St. Andrew's Continuation School 的中化生


1963年麻坡 St. Andrew's Continuation School 九號 A 班的學生有不少是中化生.

六十年代初,中化高中畢業生興起轉英校學英文的風氣。家境不允許,沒有機會升大學的同學,不少人走上就讀英校的道路,希望進一步提高自己的英文,並考取一張劍橋九號文憑(School Certificate),將來有更好的就業機會。


苦修英文 自強不息



不過,進入英校後,態度改變,加上發奮圖強,逐漸地看到效果。除了白天在英校上課外,我們這些中化生還組織溫習功課小組,晚上一起在同學家讀英文 。那個時候,英文字典被我們翻爛了。

1962年進入St. Andrew's Continuation School 的第一年,來自中化的學生被編在一班,讀八號第4班(Form 4 D),準備參加Qualifying Test八號資格考試。只有通過這項考試,隔年才有資格升上九號班和參加九號劍橋文憑考試。

大部份中化生在第一年無法通過Qualifying Test,必須重讀一年。只有少數第一次考試就過關,升上九號班。我很幸運,第一次就考及格,升上九號班。記得當時考及格的同學有陳陳麗莉,李惠敏等。

成績優越的學生充當小老師(中),幫助同學準備考試。在英校,學生自己組織 Discussion Group,一起溫習功課。

第二年,我們少數幾位中化生就與其他種族與源流的學生混一起,就讀九號A班。當時我們全力以赴,努力用功,在學校組織Discussion Group ,與原有英校生一起準備劍橋九號考試。



1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am very touched by these pictures of former students from CHHS studying in an Englsih school.

They were all so young, so brave to plunge into a world entirely new to them.

All because they wanted to make a difference for their future. They wanted to prove they would be better than their parents, who were mostly very poor first generation immigrants from China.

If we look at what they have achieved today, they have done as well as those who were lucky enough to enter universities, and some even better.

Just look at Chow Sien, through his shere hard work, he became head of the international news desk for Sin Chew Jit Poh, is now welknown for his work on South EAst Asian Chinese communities and leaders and he is still writing after retiring from the newspaper.

His son is an IT engineer and his daughter is a practicisng lawyer.

Just Look at Lee Hui Mien. She and her husband Chen Yueh Sen are welknown in the musical circle and their sons are either writing songs in Beijing or playing with the national orchestra in Malaysia.

Others like Chai Pau Yueh at Muar have brought up children who have done them proud in international firms.

I admire these people,admire their never give up spirit.