Friday, March 11, 2011





二次世界大戰前,中華化南兩校的創立和發展之大功臣,先賢鄭文炳一生散發出馬華人先輩艱辛創業、熱愛中華文化、重視後輩教育和關心民族命運的精神。 當年他被譽為麻坡中華學校八大金剛之一,功不可沒。












B. 投身日救亡運動:1928年五三慘案,成立後援會,出任財政,募捐救濟中國難民。1937年七七蘆溝橋事件,率先成立救濟祖國難民會。大力支持武漢合唱團和新中國劇團的籌賑活動。





WTT said...

Tay Boon Piah (鄭文炳) was my great grand father. This is the first time I found out when he came to Malaysia, and his early life history. Amazing!

WTT said...

Tay Boon Piah (鄭文炳) was my great grand father. This is the first time I found out when he came to Malaysia, and his early life history. Amazing!

WTT said...

Hello Mr Tay,

I have been reading your blog on Muar and I came across this blog on 鄭文炳, who is also my great grand father through my grand father side 郑明月. I am very interested to find out why 鄭文炳 was raised by his grandfather, what was his grandfather's name, what happened to his mother, how did his father die, and if he had any siblings in China when he left. It was very nice to see his contributions to Muar town recognised by your fantastic research.

Thank you, WT Tay

WTT said...

Hello Mr Tay,

I have been reading your blog on Muar and I came across this blog on 鄭文炳, who is also my great grand father through my grand father side 郑明月. I am very interested to find out why 鄭文炳 was raised by his grandfather, what was his grandfather's name, what happened to his mother, how did his father die, and if he had any siblings in China when he left. It was very nice to see his contributions to Muar town recognised by your fantastic research.

Thank you, WT Tay

Tay Cheong Hiang 郑昭贤 said...
